The Health Over All Approach to Fertility.

When thinking about becoming pregnant, for many of us, there are a mixed set of emotions – excitement, nervousness, self-doubt, joy, among many others. Out of all the emotions and thoughts that may be arising, let’s make sure confusion is not one of them. By working with us, we take confusion out of the picture, making your fertility plan clear and concise. After all, we want a safe and healthy pregnancy journey for you, just as much as you do. If you’re already ready to work with us, head down to the bottom of this post to book your strategy session. If you’re not quite there yet, here are some important considerations.
Dietary considerations necessary for nourishing a healthy mother and baby
Generally speaking, you need fat, carbs, protein to make a baby, thus refrain from very low carb diets. When in doubt, aim for a whole foods dietary approach with colourful vegetables and fruits, healthy fats and protein sources, and plenty of water. Speaking specifically to water consumption, we can see less fertile cervical mucus produced in women who are chronically dehydrated, with vaginal mucus tending towards dry or concentrated. Similarly to how we would produce less saliva when we are chronically dehydrated.
We have fertility meal plans available through our Health Over All Meal Plan App. Although there are certain things we absolutely want to ensure we include, a large portion of fertility care comes down to the mother’s current health status. Thus, it is important that care is individualized to each woman.
The optimal fertility lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Twelve percent of infertility cases have been reportedly linked to either the woman being underweight or overweight. When we test estrogen status, we find a generalized tendency of elevated estrogens in women who are overweight, and lower estrogen levels in those women who are underweight. In both cases, ovulation may be halted. This is a problem when we are trying to conceive; we need to ensure you are ovulating.
Regular exercise is good, but it is also important to not overdo it, such as exercising to the point of exhaustion. When in doubt, listen to your body.
Requisitioning for blood work
Whether it is through your fertility specialist or us, in most cases, we want to be seeing blood work for a full assessment. We can talk you through the process of what we’re testing for and if / why it is important for you to have done. Ask us about our Hormone Code Program or our Well Woman Assessments.
Acupuncture for cycle regularity
We use acupuncture to regulate the menstrual cycle, to improve sleep, and to aid in stress and anxiety. This trio tends to be a commonality among women trying to conceive. With that said, every patient is different.
We also use fertility acupuncture as an adjunct to assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, to improve pregnancy outcomes and ability to carry to term. Typically done immediately prior to and shortly after the transfer or insemination, with the purpose of improving blood flow to the uterus, reducing uterine spasms, as well as decreasing stress while increasing relaxation. We have protocols in place for acupuncture during these assisted procedures.
Herbal Medicine & Supplements that are both safe & effective
When in doubt, contact your Naturopathic Doctor regarding herbal supplementation, as we want to make sure that what we’re using actually has a purpose, is prescribed in the right dosage and form, as well as having a good safety and efficacy profile.
The purpose of herbal medicine would be to address any underlying health concern that you may have, with the potential for reducing inflammation, to regulate the cycle, or even support underlying stress and anxiety, as examples.
There are certain vitamins and minerals we want our female patients taking. What it ultimately comes down to, is a customized approach for our female patients. If we address the underlying health concerns, we’re more likely to see advancements with our goal of becoming and maintaining a pregnancy.
IV Therapy for the optimal nutrient status
We use IV therapy for women experiencing hormonal imbalances, among many other reasons. Eligibility for IV therapy is determined on an individual bases, as well as the specific formula we are using for you.
The Health Over All Meal Plan App
Wanting accountability, being told exactly what to eat and when? Our Health Over All Meal Plan App might be your answer. Our Naturopathic Doctors have curated fertility meal plans, that are often adjusted on an individual basis, for the patient. With daily check-in text messages, and self check-ins for you to monitor your sleep, energy, diet and exercise – sticking to a fertility meal plan has never been easier. Ask us about our Health Over All Meal Plan App.
We want to help lessen the confusion around fertility. There are many ways to work with us. Ask us about our Well Woman Assessment and our Hormone Code Program, by booking your strategy session here.
Naturopathic Doctors at Health Over All